Creating positive frustration - to build habits-

I had an “incident” in business years ago.

A business partnership that went south quite badly.

I had to reflect and reposition myself and what I was doing.

I decided to put several things in place, starting with taking better care of my body.

I put a plan in place to go to the gym five times a week.

Starting from nothing and no exercise at all at the time, so, quite the jump!

To achieve the habit, I wanted to play a new game: positive frustration.

In the first few weeks, I will go to the gym for… two minutes—and two minutes only.

And then, leave.

I know what you think: why? It takes more time to get dressed, drive to the gym, why not stay a bit longer?

Because I wanted to build the habit.

I would wake up early, get ready, drive to the gym, start and stop everything after two minutes, and drive home. I SOOOO wanted to do more, so I would stay for at least another few minutes! That was building positive frustration: I want to go the next day!

I did that for weeks and then gradually extended it to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, you know, the rest! 😄

I was building a positive cliffhanger every morning.

I managed to build the routine.

I worked for years until Covid happened, and we were all in Melbourne lockdown.

Now, I’m still working on how to get back into the habit again!

What works for you?

Philippe Guichard

Philippe Guichard, Industrial Designer, Entrepreneur, Father and Meditator.

Kindness is strength


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