Sometimes, you just have a flat tyre

I drive quite a bit for work. When possible, I prefer to see clients, suppliers and prospects face-to-face.
I also observe a lot when I drive, and I like to help when other drivers have a flat tyre.

It may be a safety thing.

I remember last summer, a woman was driving her three kids back from school, and the back left tyre was flat: I stopped near her at the traffic light, got her attention and told her about the tyre.
People have different reactions; some are grateful, some are annoyed and everything in between.

In three instances, I couldn’t get the conversation going: three times, a similar type of person.

This description is a summary and combination of those three drivers: a young woman who thinks she’s pretty, wears make-up and has trendy nail polish. I stop by her car to signal that they have a flat tyre and get this annoyed reaction: first, pretending that they didn’t see me, and then, because I am insisting, it moves to being annoyed by this man “hitting on me at the stop” or something 😄.

In those instances, I could get my point across: they continue to drive with a flat tyre.

I find that interesting: the lens in which we see the world and interactions with others. She thinks she’s pretty, and the only reason I would talk to her is to hit on her or ask for her phone number.

Sometimes, we have something in mind. Prejudice?

Other times, we just have a flat tyre.


Philippe Guichard

Philippe Guichard, Industrial Designer, Entrepreneur, Father and Meditator.

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